Friday, August 13, 2010

Tricycle Conversion Kit

Love and Understanding: Index

In response
previous post titled "opportunism", Ciro Disciple is adept at shifting attention from the important issues of the book to secondary issues, of course, writing these things, that is associating the title of my book to a English soap opera, highlighting some imperfections (the last word of the text on the back cover is wrong on purpose), calling into question my skills, of course, makes anyone who reads his blog will not ever buy my text. Disciple
Cyrus plays well and playing with the words you learn relates to a paragraph in which highlights some of the teachings of "A game that we play," a text by Eric Berne regarding the various ways that you can manipulate the conversation, just like Cyrus Disciple ago. Word of Boss refers to a paragraph in which I analyze a text of a song by Bruce Springsteen, called just The Boss. With regard to draft
ego, Ciro Disciple shows his ignorance by not recognizing what Freud and psychoanalysts currently defined the first manifestation of the ego in a child who begins to become aware of himself.

Cyrus Disciple says to respect other people's thoughts, instead of trick plays because if you find that someone has strange thoughts that challenge his statements, ensures that they are expressed fully so he can judge so supergiciale and without entering into the summary of the issues. If you do not know the meaning of "outline of the ego," is clearly not capable of sustaining a real comparison!

Sergio Berti

How To Make Really Poofy Prom Dress


In a series of books that have love as their main subject is invertible address the issue of opportunism that characterizes the response to the reading of the Cyrus Disciple Part of Love and Understanding published on his blog: Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sergio Berti mi ha inviato il suo primo libro, edito in proprio, dal titolo “Amore e Discernimento”. La dedica è: “PER CIRO DISCEPOLO” (tutto maiuscolo), seguito dalla firma.
Sono stato un po’ in forse se scriverne o meno. Tutti, dai miei scritti, possono verificare che nella mia vita non ho mai attaccato chicchessia e solo raramente, quando qualcuno reitera tantissime volte i propri attacchi nei miei confronti, solitamente mi limito a rispondere usando un po’ di ironia.
Qui mi trovo in una situazione simile, ma per i nostri lettori che al 99,99% non sanno chi sia Sergio Berti, occorre fare una breve premessa.
Sergio Berti è un operaio metalmeccanico Venetian with a passion for the Kabbalah (I left the noun written as decided by the author, but the Devoto Oli 2011 and reports that you must write "cabal"), then for Astrology and time for the Humanities.
He came up to me full of enthusiasm, not many years ago and I encouraged him and helped the 90 published articles on Search. Then, as has happened many times in my life one day sent me a letter of insults in the index because the magazine was his first name wrong and he theorized that I had done that on purpose, just so he wrote: " You've done it on purpose. " In fact, the mistake was the friend Pino Valente, but since I am director, I assumed all the responsibility.
What responsibility? Sergio Berti
I pointed out to him, repeatedly changed his first name and e-mail I sent in the guise of telegrams which not only gave me the thing, but ordered me to not be wrong!
It happened, however, that shortly after he changed his mind and in the same way I felt to be back Sergio or becoming a John or more. The thing became so complicated that I still have a box full of Outlook notes on this.
The fact is, however, that he opened the letter, and the reason I can imagine, a personal war against me that went through di una sua dichiarazione su di un blog con il quale collaborava e nella quale asseriva che sì, l’AA era interessante e ricca di potenzialità, ma era anche piena di “bug” e che lui ci stava lavorando e, appena l’avrebbe messa a posto ci avrebbe comunicato dove correggerla.
Infine, ripetutamente, sul suo blog, negli anni passati scrisse frasi del tipo “Appena scriverò un libro vi farò vedere…”.
Ecco la dovuta premessa.
Il libro è uscito e dovrebbe essere la sua vendetta (???), ma, in realtà, non ho compreso cosa sia.
Il titolo è “Amore e Discernimento” che credo sia anche il titolo di una telenovela brasiliana. Nella quarta di Cover the author explains that the text speaks of Love and has done well to emphasize this because no one would notice.
In fact, in 344 pages of text, and magazines (in the sense of editing) and the talented colleague Mariagrazia Pelaia that by Professor Grace Contus (much material must not be passed to them because the book is overly full of misspellings and grammar ) all except one speaks of love.
I would have called "Kaleidoscope" or "mixed fry", but we know that the title is absolute prerogative of the publisher that there is, in this case, the guest of stone than the title and content of the book.
In esso Sergio (o Giovanni o…?) Berti spazia, con molta disinvoltura dalla “Kabbalah” all’Astrologia, con sortite praticamente dappertutto, nella fisica quantistica, nella statistica, nella religione, nella filosofia (“che studio da due anni…”), nella psicoanalisi (qui mantiene il segreto e non ci dice da quanto tempo la studia) e in molte altre discipline.
Abbondano le “digressioni”, come lo stesso Autore le chiama in una specie di Indice che Indice non è in senso stretto. I titoli dei molti paragrafi, a mio avviso, rendono bene , l’idea del libro: “Prima bozza dell’Io”, “Giocando s’impara”, “Parola di Boss”, “Marylin Monroe” e via dicendo.
Sicuramente dipende da mie incapacità mentali, ma non si capisce l’Autore dove voglia andare a parare e neanche quale sia il soggetto o l’oggetto del testo.
Che sia veramente una vendetta?
Scusate il viziaccio da cinefilo, ma mi viene immediato l’accostamento a Luigi Zampa-Alberto Sordi-Claudia Cardinale: l’emigrato siciliano che lavora nelle miniere australiane e dice (cito a memoria): “Sì, ridete, ridete, che tanto io tra poco avrò messo da parte 10 milioni di lire, tornerò al Paese, mi comprerò il bar in piazza e mi prenderò la mia vendetta!”. “Ma è molto che manchi dall’Italia”?. “Sì, trentasette anni!”. “Allora la vendetta ti prendi quella di tua sorella perché con dieci milioni…”.
Non posso negare che l’intenzione ci sia: il Nostro, pur di sparlare di me, utilizza interi periodi di miei “duelli” pubblici con astronomi (per i quali ha violato dei copyright) e prova a ficcare nel mezzo del discorso anche l’Astrologia Morpurghiana che proprio non c’entra nulla con tutto il resto del libro.
Si nota, invece, con piacere, che il Berti ha conosciuto l’uso della parola “inferenza” e cerca di infilarla dappertutto, praticamente in ogni sezione del testo.
A una prima lettura superficiale il libro potrebbe sembrare a sfondo epistemologico, per il continuo richiamo ai miei “duelli” con gli scientisti, ma manca una direzione portante, un pensiero di fondo che possa guidare il Lettore che si vede catapultato, da una pagina all’altra, dalla lettura del cielo di compleanno, che avrà fatto trasalire Lisa nella tomba, al gioco delle trasparenze e dei molti universi morpurghiani (non mi chiedete quanti siano e cosa siano perché non lo so).
Mi fermo qui.
Caro Sergio, se sei ancora tale, io spero che tu abbia superato il tempo delle mele, in rapporto a quelle importanti confidenze assai personali che volesti pubblicare e che certamente hanno avuto un peso nell’architettura del libro in oggetto. Resto in fiduciosa attesa della tua revisione the "bug" Enable astrology, which, however, there is no mention in this work.
We will wait for a second book-revenge?
If so, I recommend very illuminating reading of "The Count of Monte Cristo" and the screenplay for Quentin Tarantino.
With best wishes.

My last remarks

on having my dedication written in capital letters I must say I usually always use this form of writing because I have a fine writing and sometimes illegible, and to be sure that my writing is legible writing in this way. It is clear that my dedication has been provocative interpretation, but let's say that you gave the book to Ciro Disciple was intended to have a comment on the fundamental contents of the text, but as is always convenient to do when you do not have adequate preparation is better to divert the conversation.
As for my many many attacks attributed to me that Cyrus Disciple depend on the fact that I have moved several of his criticisms of astrology, astrology or Activate, and he understood my challenges as personal attacks. The questions about it are two: the first refers to the fact that Cyrus Disciple has developed a way of doing astrology best for himself and then reflects his personality, and the second is that he continues to identify a person as vengeful and treacherous, and he attributed this quality when it still did not know me and I had never seen, doing an analysis of my Christmas in Heaven a person with whom I had personal relationships. Ciro
Disciple on the assumption that if a person engages in a particular matter is the fact that he has a passion, and as I studied various materials he asserts that I have a passion for each: years ago he recorded an audio file in which he spoke to me said that I was an undecided and I did not know that in matters addressed, but sincerely I do not understand this objection, because the studies that I do are in normal cultural evolution of every astrologer, solamente che io non mi limito a studiare e cerco di crearmi un pensiero coerente. Lo studio della filosofia è indispensabile per comprendere molti aspetti dell’astrologia e se non l’ho studiata prima è solo perché mi sono impegnato in altri studi. Molti filosofi e scienziati hanno scritto testi sul rapporto fede/scienza e irrazionalità-razionalità, e come può uno scienziato scrivere un libro del genere se non studia testi di religione, o un fedele dei testi di scienza?
Purtroppo io sono del segno della Bilancia al quale è solitamente attribuita l’indecisione, quindi agli occhi di un astrologo come Ciro Discepolo non posso fare niente per dimostrare il contrario.
Sulla questione di come si scrive Kabbalah קבלה in my book I write in Hebrew characters to identify the original meaning, alternatively write to refer to the Kabbalah mystic science studied in Jewish circles. I do not write because it is a current Christian Cabala which, in my opinion, contrary to how I thought at one time, has no reason to exist because it is an insult to Jewish mysticism and a falsification of Christian theology.
is true that I went over to Cyrus Disciple I with much enthusiasm, only that I asked myself, as every scholar must do, in a critical way, never taking anything for granted, and my insistence was born to the fact that the questions I asked I did not answer. At first I thought the problem was the lack of time due to the many commitments, but with time I realized it was indifference to the thoughts of others, and the response I got after reading of my book is a clear example of opportunism of what not to say that agrees. Ciro Disciple has not responded to only one topic of my book, especially what is written in Appendix three on the debate with Prof. Giuseppe Longo, in which no one has explained the difference between the descriptive and inferential statistics, as well as on many other things.
For years I tried to make a constructive argument with Ciro Disciple, but he can not talk because you set the always on the same assumptions ignoring things those above. I proved that this attitude (see Appendix 3) not restricted to only me but also with all those complaints ask him.
On the issue of my name I would say that there was a time when it was reasonable to study קבלה because I was in contact with people with whom I had decided to change its name. I will explain elsewhere why I took this decision, but it is known that Madonna (the singer) has acquired a second name, or Esther to enter a circle of Kabbalah, now I can only say that I left that middle name (John) because there was an unexpected situation that has created confusion about my identity, it seemed, in fact, I wanted to hide my real name and writing "Dear Sergio, if you're still such." Ciro
Disciple know how things are and likes to dig up the issue and the replacement of the name, instead of Sergio Simone, can not be a coincidence, because at that moment as Simon had a special meaning in a discussion with a person Cyrus knows. CIRO
DISCIPLE in saying that I changed my name several times, this is a lie, I used it for two or three months, the name John, then, when someone complained that my identity, I approached this name to baptism, but it is not true I have changed names several times, this statement is defamatory.
As for bugs the question is simple, I do not consider astrology a science and I think, as I explain in my book, that astrology is a tool for knowledge based on rational and scientific phenomena is both irrational and spiritual, and considering that astrology Activate is not interested in spirituality, in my opinion the only bugs are the lies that astrologers pseudo scientists willing to support. In this response
Cyrus Disciple is adept at shifting attention from the important topics of the book to secondary issues, of course, writing these things, that is associating the title of my book to a English soap opera, pointing out some flaws (the last word text on the back cover è sbagliata di proposito), mettendo in discussione la mia preparazione, ovviamente fa in modo che chi legge il suo blog non compri mai il mio testo.
Ciro Discepolo gioca bene con le parole e giocando s’impara si riferisce a un paragrafo nel quale metto in rilievo alcuni insegnamento di A che gioco stiamo giocando, un testo di Eric Berne che riguarda i vari modi con cui si possono manipolare i discorsi: proprio come Ciro Discepolo fa. Parola di Boss si riferisce a un paragrafo nel quale analizzo un testo di una canzone di Bruce Springsteen, chiamato, appunto Il Boss.
Per quanto riguarda bozza dell’Io, Ciro Discepolo dimostra la propria ignoranza non riconoscendo quanto Freud e gli psicoanalisti attuali definiscono la prima manifestazione dell’Io in un bambino che inizia a prendere consapevolezza di se stesso.
Come sempre si dimentica di dire che in passato ha detto, prima di conoscermi e di vedermi, a una persona con cui avevo contatti personali, che io sono vendicativo e che pugnalo alle spalle, e per anni ho dovuto relazionarmi con una persona diffidente nei miei confronti e con la quale non potevo fare niente per guadagnarmi la sua fiducia.
Per quanto riguarda la questione se i miei libri siano il risultato di una vendetta, lascio al giudizio dei miei lettori, non so cos’altro fare! Certamente non permetto agli astrologi di inquinare la mia vita privata.
Io sono nato e sempre vissuto a Camposampiero e non intendo trasferirmi a causa delle diffamazioni.
Per quanto about my studies in psychology would say that I started before the age of twenty, my mother bought an encyclopedia (which paid an exaggerated figure) showing the full texts of Freud and magazine articles on psychology of the '80s. I started reading a few pages of it in high school and when I started studying Kabbalah I read books by Will Parfitt is a psychoanalyst in London which has, among other things, wrote a book of psychokinesis. When I read the first books I searched for details of Morpurgo.
affirming that in my book is not about love Ciro Disciple shows disloyalty, in fact, I analyze the love life of Freddie Mercury, Marilyn Monroe, Evita, and many others, we also analyze lyrics Baglioni and Bruce Springsteen.

copyright of the songs I quoted made public in the web in a pdf document, and my profit-critical intellectual analysis which is permitted by law: I know you gotta face the truth be told!

on citations from memory I do not know what to say, I never talked about revenge and even I never intended to buy a bar. Surely I threatened to tell the things I thought and I'm doing this after having been teased many times!

Sergio Berti

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How To Add Gsphone Cheats

Love and Understanding

Sergio Berti
Nonfiction Book 348 pages

Soft Cover - Size 15x23 - black and white . html

Sergio Berti