Monday, December 19, 2005

How Long After Taking Lorazepam Can I Drink

The inner shadow

When two stars or points or degrees of the zodiac are equally distant from the tropics and solstice axis (0 ° Cancer / Capricorn 0 °) refers to anti-Shia. For example, 5 ° 25 ° Aquarius and Scorpio. Is then defined as "secondary anti-Shia" or "counter-anti-Shia" when two planets are equally distant from the axis equinox, ie Aries 0 ° / 0 ° Libra. For example: 10 ° 20 Pisces with Aries. We see it more closely. The anti-Shia
term derives from the greek: anti-iskus and it means something that casts a shadow (iskus, or "shadow"), shadow cast on the other side. This definition is an ancient astrological dating back to Ptolemy, there are few astrologers refer to the anti-Shia, However, it can be interesting - if only to undertake further reflection on himself - know how to work a little bit (...).

Taking as reference the axis of the solstices - which is what unites Cancer 0 ° 0 ° Capricorn - are anti-Shia equisistanti points of the two hemispheres according to the schema segunte:

astrological Each point has its anti-Shia, so not only signs but also all the planets. Anti-Shia when it comes to two points which are placed either side of the line of the solstices are the same longitude line. When the Sun is 10 ° Aries produces a shadow the same as which produces, when in 20 degrees of Virgo, but in a different direction.
To know the exact degree of anti-Shia one point you must subtract the value of 30 °: for example, a star at 20 ° 35 'Leo is in anti-Shia and (30 ° - 20 ° 35' =) 9 ° 25 'Taurus .
(It has, however, against anti-Shia-when two planets are the same distance from the line of equinozi.Se is taken as the reference axis of the equinoxes - that is what unites Aries 0 ° 0 ° Libra, the equidistant points of two hemispheres are said in controantiscia.)
of each astrological point you can then proceed to investigate the anti-Shia. Among the planets to be discovered is probably the one that opens us to the moon shadow deepest of our soul, our inner child that is caught. What I really do not like to be but which, to some extent there has been shown as present, yet we do not see it. Are we or are not like that? You can not say, but the anti-Shia shows us what our first reference figures (parents or whoever they are) have seen and we have not loved. True or not these perceptions have still left a shadow within us, which is growing with us, so now, as adults, if we are not finally to confront those ghosts, but others will feel.
inside we need to break the spell that they constantly evoke the dark shadow. The right job is not to delete evolution but simply to integrate the positive aspects that they bring with them, because they are, in fact, the shadow of the planet they represent.

Where did the Moon?

Moon in Aries - Virgin in anti-Shia - a strong feeling tones and spontaneous, independent. The anti-Shia in Virgo brings more calculation, care and pedantry.

Moon in Taurus - Leo in anti-Shia - Sensitivity seeking the gratification of the senses. The anti-Shia in Leo brings the need for exhibitionism, spasmodic need recognition.

Moon in Gemini - Cancer in anti-Shia - Sensitivity nervous, restless and curious. The anti-Shia in Cancer brings the need for acceptance, but most of attachment.

Moon in Cancer - anti-Shia in Gemini - Sensitivity sweet, loving, at times almost childlike. The anti-Shia in Gemini wants but mobility, independence and innovation.

Moon in Leo - anti-Shia in Taurus - man that you want to live fully and positively in a big way. The anti-Shia in Taurus research rather comfort and satisfaction of the senses.

Moon in Virgo - Aries in anti-Shia - A sensitivity control is critical, willing to sacrifice and renunciation. The anti-Shia in Aries, however, need passion, drama, spontaneity.

Moon in Libra - Pisces in anti-Shia - Sensitivity harmonic search serenità e buoni sentimenti. L'antiscia in Pesci mira verso un misticismo elevato, che spinge oltre.

Luna in Scorpione - antiscia in Acquario - Sensibilità erotica e profonda, coinvolgente. L'antiscia in Acquario ricerca il distacco emotivo (freddezza), la visione d'insieme.

Luna in Sagittario - antiscia in Capricorno - Umanità idealista, tesa a grossi rivoluzionamenti ideali. L'antiscia in Capricorno necessità maggiore rigore, contenutezza.

Luna in Capricorno - antiscia in Sagittario - Sensibilità severa, classicheggiante nei gusti. L'antiscia in Sagittario mira a coinvolgere verso il lontano, verso grandi ideali.

Luna in Acquario - antiscia in Scorpione - Umanità osservatrice che cerca il meglio per tutti. L'antiscia in Scorpione ricerca invece la profondità dell'intimità.

Luna in Pesci - antiscia in Bilancia - Sensibilità mistica e a tratti eterica, che spinge verso lidi sconosciuti. L'antiscia Bilancia però ricerca solo l'armonia e la bellezza.

L'osservazione dell'antiscia per la propria Luna e per gli altri nostri Pianeti ci potrebbe far vedere ciò che gli altri vedono in noi. Forse sono loro a fare delle proiezioni, ma magari sono invece delle tenui ombre interiori, nostre, che gli altri percepiscono.
Guardare in faccia a queste ombre ci può permettere di integrare gli aspetti positivi che queste portano in sé, al posto di continuare a reagire rinnegandole. In altre parole l'antiscia ci permette di scoprire cose nostre più invisibili, eppure in un qualche modo presenti!


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