Cleopatra VII was born in Alexandria in 69 BC by one of two marriages Neodioniso Ptolemy XII (80-51 BC) said "Aulete" (the "flute"), a lover of wine and music.
It is said that Cleopatra was a woman is not very nice, but nice, intelligent, smart, determined and ruthless. All ideal qualities to rule a kingdom like that of Egypt.
When his father died in 51 BC, Cleopatra was 18 years and is on the throne of Egypt with her brother Ptolemy XIII of only 10 years. Rome Pompey appoint guardian of Ptolemy XIII. Among the brothers there is a deep hatred that leads to the will of the powerful eunuch Photinus, nell'allontanamento da palazzo di Cleopatra che decide di rifugiarsi in Siria ed inizia ad organizzare un proprio esercito.
In quel periodo a Roma scoppiò una guerra civile tra Giulio Cesare e Pompeo. I due si inseguirono fino in Egitto dove quest'ultimo fu assassinato dai cortigiani di Tolomeo XIII, forse per ingraziarsi Giulio Cesare. Quest'ultimo si stabilì nel palazzo di Alessandria dove convocò Tolomeo XIII e Cleopatra per porre fine ai conflitti dinastici. Cleopatra, per paura di essere uccisa dagli uomini di suo fratello, arrivò a Palazzo a bordo di una brigantino condotto da un suo servo fidato, Apollonio Siciliano, attraccò proprio sotto le mura e, quindi, si introdusse avvolta in un carpet led by Apollodorus shoulders. Caesar reached the apartment the carpet was laid down and rolled left astonished the Roman king. The meeting ended with the reconciliation of the parties but, in reality, the government of Egypt was in the hands of Cleopatra. The queen of Egypt was able to converse without the aid of interpreters, with the Ethiopians, Troglodytes, Syrians, Arabs, Jews, and Medi Parties and many other languages \u200b\u200bincluding, of course, the Egyptian and Greek. Caesar, Cleopatra hit the audacity and cunning, was completely won over by its charm. Cleopatra Caesar took the road along the Nile to show the beauty of Egypt. During the trip the queen becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son male named Ptolemy XV Caesarion and that was the only male heir of Caesar. Caesar, who soon after had to leave for Syria, he could make Egypt a Roman colony like many others, but for the love of Cleopatra, killed Ptolemy XIII drowned in the river making it and left only his beloved queen of Egypt. To stay close to Caesar, but also for political purposes, he moved to Rome, where Cleopatra, however, is inhospitable reception of the Romans.
Cleopatra, by this decision, intended to allow the son Caesarion, when Caesar died, to settle on the throne of an empire as great as that of Alexander the Great was born from the union of Rome with Egypt.
The disappointment of the Roman people born in the senate and disputes arising in the murder of Julius Caesar. Mark Antony, an ally of Caesar, Ptolemy XV Caesarion proclaimed heir of Julius Caesar in front of the Senate, but Octavian is opposed him claiming to be the legitimate successor to the throne.
In this turbulent climate, Cleopatra decides to return to Egypt where he found an economy in crisis and the Egyptian people reduced to slavery by the Greeks who, in turn, lead a luxurious life and power. Cleopatra does not change this setting, but makes it more acceptable to the Egyptians easing taxes and improving the level of life. To boost trade riapre l'antica via carovaniera dal Nilo al mar Rosso facendola proteggere con torri di guardia dislocate lungo il percorso e visibili tra loro in modo da permettere la comunicazione in caso di agguati. Da questa via viene importato il porfido che verrà poi utilizzato dai Romani per costruire le statue degli imperatori.
Nel frattempo Marco Antonio diviene padrone dell'Impero Romano d'Oriente, mentre Ottaviano governa l'Europa Occidentale. Tra i due c'è molta rivalità, ma anche odio che li mette in conflitto più volte. Marco Antonio, per sconfiggere il nemico Ottaviano, ha bisogno dei tesori dell'Egitto e quindi convoca Cleopatra a Tarso, sulla costa turca. Si dice che la loro relazione iniziò dopo che Cleopatra si presentò ad un invito di Marco Antonio in Cilicia su un'imbarcazione dalle vele color porpora, la poppa d'oro e i remi d'argento. La regina, vestita come una Venere e accompagnata dal suono di flauti e liuti, stava distesa all'interno di un baldacchino circondato da amorini. Nel corso dell'incontro, Cleopatra si innamora di Antonio da cui avrà due gemelli, ma che poi deve lasciarla per partire in guerra. Cleopatra saprà del matrimonio del suo innamorato con un'altra donna. In questo momento di dolore e solitudine, Cleopatra riscopre l'antica religione egizia facendosi promotrice di preghiere, riti e donazioni agli Dei ormai abbandonate da anni. Dopo 3 anni, Marco Antonio, nonostante le molteplici insistenze della sua prima moglie Then the second wife Fulvia and Octavia, back to Cleopatra for the riches of Egypt. Cleopatra, too smart to show all his pain, give up the treasures of his kingdom in return for specific promises. So the lands of Arabia, the copper mines of Cyprus, the Sinai, Armenia and the wheat fields around the northern Africa belong to Rome, passing under the Egyptian government. Roma is furious, all the lands conquered by the blood of the Romans ceded to the queen who has never accepted.
Ottaviano advantage of the situation an attack on Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium. Cleopatra, in an unusual manner, follows Antonio fight side by side in the Egyptian vessels, but soon forced to withdraw. Given the progress of the battle Cleopatra retired to Alexandria, he decided to flee from Egypt, but during the preparations for departure, is surprised by Abatei, long subjugated to his power, which prevent the escape. The troops of Octavian, who had meanwhile put to flight the fleet of Mark Antony, threatening approach in Alexandria. Marco Antonio, who took refuge in the palace with Cleopatra kills herself with his sword and dies in the arms of the Queen of Egypt. Fearing that he attempted suicide Cleopatra, Octavian, now master of Alexandria, makes sure that each brought to the queen is carefully controlled. On 12 August 30 BC, however, a farmer can get her a basket of figs that hides a snake. Cleopatra, conscious of the presence of the cobra, is bitten and dies before the arrival of Octavian thus avoiding the humiliation of being defeated. His son was killed by Octavian Caesarion, while the other two twin children disappear without a trace. By this time, Egypt became a mere province of the Roman Empire.
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