Thursday, August 7, 2008

Clear Liquid When I Get My Period

1.1. Source of life

Leonardo's reflection is inspired by the works of Aristotle, who stresses the concept of soul as the source, the source and root of the three worlds of Being. The same interpretation is apparent in the image contained in the Treaty "Rosarium Philosophorum" of around 1440.

"Now for Aristotle's tripartite soul is revealed. It is first and foremost source of life that appears in terms of vegetation (a. birth, growth, biological dynamics), is a source of life that is expressed in sensory (b. movement, perceptions, feelings) and, finally, is the root of the intellectual and rational (vs. knowledge volontà, decisione). Si deve, allora, parlare di un'anima vegetativa, sensitiva , intellettiva".

a) L'anima vegetativa (aquae vitae) rappresenta la sorgente subconscia su cui si innesca la dimensione psichica delle esperienze modellate dal pleroma degli istinti (sopravvivenza, conservazione, adattamento e realizzazione delle condizioni di equilibrio). Nel codice artistico quattrocentesco è rappresentata dalla figura di Eva, emblema della consapevolezza della dimensione materiale dell'esistenza.

b) L'anima sensitiva (acetum fortis) individua la fonte creativa che alimenta l'azione dell'anima che evolve nella conoscenza delle sensazioni (la ninfa Clori), delle emozioni (Flora) e dei sentimenti cognitive (Venus Humanitas). Allegory of Spring Botticelli describes the three stages of evolution of the sensitive soul in Venus, symbol of consciousness (awareness, understanding, knowledge) of feelings of love and conflict.

c) the intellectual soul (lac virginis) supplies the spiritual root from which it can increase knowledge of the multiple levels of awareness generated by the source. The intellectual soul is the part of soul can know the unity of reality and to produce works of human consciousness (Jesus) and spiritual (Christ).


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