Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cellulitis And Lab Values

Manzanese-Tamai 0-0: un punto che non serve a nessuno. Ale entra a 15 dalla fine.


MANZANESE Del Mestre, Strussiat ( al 30’ st Osso Armellin o), Ciriaco, Tonizzo, Verona, Gallinelli, Godeas (al 29’ st Venturini), Maracchi, Grop, Salvadori, Pinatti (al 15’ st Terrida). Allenatore Fedele.

TAMAI Esposito, Candotti, Zuliani, Dal Cin, Visalli, Zanette, Salgher (al 10’ st Paolini), Nonis, Zanetti, Spetic, Quellerba (at 10 'st Zambon). Birtig coach. REFEREE Frizza Perugia 6.5. NOTES Ammon Salvadori and Tonizzo. Corner: 6-4 Tamai. Recoveries 1 'pt, 3' st. Attendance about 350. Pitch in perfect condition.

MANZANO. One point that does not help anyone. Only in this way can be summed up in the 0-0 Manzano and Tamai. The match of the many ex (Birtig, Zuliani, Salgher among the "angry red" Grop between orange) does not give the momentum expected from both. The home side, while gaining a point on Palazzolo and Porphyry Albian, remains pinned in the slums of the league. The furniture, however, not only the opportunity to fail consolidate the position of the playoffs, but come officially in crisis. One happened in the last eight games, an average of relegation. If you want to delete is reached after four years, the post-season. The Manzano, at the start, which relies on a 4-4-1-1, in attack, it turns into a 4-2-3-1. Compared to the eve of the Faithful change several men. Grop takes the place of bone in the middle of the attack, PIdle Magrì to the position of wing, Salvadori settles alongside Tonizzo while Godeas acts on the left. In the ranks of Tamai, however, the 4-2-3-1 Birtig aside and focuses on a more cautious 4-4-2. In so doing Spetic scale in midfield, and right wing, there is Dal Cin. In attack, “il Sindaco” punta sulla freschezza di Quellerba, e non sul “genio” di Zambon, per affiancare Zanetti. Dopo i primi 5’ di marca orange la prima occasione della gara è del Tamai. Spetic se ne va sulla destra, converge e serve Nonis. Il tiro del regista è angolato, ma debole, ed è dunque di facile preda per Del Mestre. All’8’ sempre Del Mestre si fa trovare pronto su una conclusione di Dal Cin. Passa solo 1’ che la Manzanese sfiora il vantaggio. Ad andare vicino al gol dell’1-0, oltre che al centro dell’ex, è Grop: il suo fendente è preciso, ma Esposito si supera e devìa in angolo. La Manzanese cresce col passare dei minuti. E al 15’ solo la timidezza di Maracchi does not give the opening goal. Ciriaco Godeas in motion, his cross is precise, but the shot of the median is too weak to worry Edwards. The orange, however, keep the ball in the game. So much so that at 23 'with pass Godeas, but the linesman, clearly on purpose, indicates an irregular position of the wing. The Manzano, making the race, is discovered and thus facilitates the restarting of Tamai. As the 27 '. Verticalizes Quellerba for Zuliani, Salgher bank for that, from the edge, he concludes: the ball lands out. At the 29 'sensational goal instead is that you eat Maracchi. The median is not making the assist to Grop and two steps, you hypnotized by Edwards. On this jolt to close first population: more Manzanesi that Tamai. In the second half the music changes. Especially since 10 'when Birtig realizes that it is time to remove and Salgher Quellerba. "The Mayor" and sent on Paolini Zambon, giving you more vitality and strength to the offensive play, while Manzano, after an excellent first time, it deflates slowly. The "angry red" start believing in the success and raising the center of gravity, get some scoring chances. But on their way are a Del Mestre always extraordinary. At 15 'deflects for a corner a shot from distance Nonis; to 30', however, is sacrificed on a "Sutomore" Zanetti's header. Two parades-saving result. At 40 ' ci prova la Manzanese, ma la punizione di Tonizzo, deviata da Gallinelli, è facile preda di Esposito. Finisce così, 0-0, e i rimpianti da entrambe le parti sono molti.

Alberto Bertolotto - Messaggero Veneto


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