start a new war?
Back in 2008 I wrote that in the summer of 2010 would have occurred the wars, particularly in August 2010.
In 2008 I referred to the war in Georgia does not consider them as an isolated phenomenon, but as an episode in a complex balance of international deception and concealed sortefigi fact, after a few months after the end of the war has spread the news that Ukraine ribava Russian gas from the pipes that go in your basement.
If politicians want to say to them that the verité suits, astrologers can not afford to do the same thing, but astrologers of that time are almost all are opportunists who use astrology prorie according to need and interest, teaching to do the same thing to people who ask their advice. In fact, the use of astrology is part of the same nell'insieme delle attività umane nelle quali il sapere può essere manipolato in infiniti modi.
I pianeti parlano chiaro e dicono il vero, ma fin tanto si darà retta a persone che diffondono un'astrologia a propria immagine e somiglianza, gli scienziati e i razionalisti hanno ragione di criticare l'astrlogia e gli astrologi. Ma l'astrologia trova opposizione più forte dal potere, che per propria natura è sempre costretto a nascondere il marciume sul quale è fondato.
Pertanto faccio riferimento alle parole del grande André Barbault:
Meglio di chiunque altro, io conosco la relatività of my criticism, as can be on the criticism of my criticism, besides not being protected by a relevant criticism of Freud's my understanding of astrology to be a service rendered. But astrology is still forced to graze the walls of the citadel culture of our day, and astrologers too prone to drink from any bottle in astrological latest fashion show, it is fortunate that we can exercise occasionally among us the complaint of a pure conscience, free from any personal hostility. Which is what I did in good faith.
Sergio Berti
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