This is the astral sky at the time of the attack in Gaza
Sole in Gemini 09 ° 31'09, 4383
Moon: Capricorn 15 ° 59'01, 3235
Mercury in Taurus 15 ° 15'07, 8323
Venus in Cancer 13 ° 08'15, 7847
Mars in Leo 26 ° 18'43, 3977
Jupiter: in Pisces 29 ° 06'49, 0881
Saturn in Virgo 27 ° 49'57, 5324
Uranus: in Aries 00 ° 05'10, 8131
Neptune in Aquarius 28 ° 42'08, 3280
Pluto in Capricorn 04 ° 44'33, 7093 Retrograde
Middle Node : In Capricorn 13 ° 41'20, 3072
retrograde True Node: in Capricorn 12 ° 11'20, 0393
Lilith (IDG Middle) in Aquarius 26 ° 51'39, 8708
osculating apogee: in Pisces 05 ° 21 ' 12.4725
Chiron Retrograde: Pisces 00 ° 58'55, 3778 Pholus
: in Sagittarius 13 ° 43'33, 9553
Ceres Retrograde: in Capricorn 01 ° 30'54, 1911
Pallas Retrograde: 06 ° 29 Scorpio '20, 7361
Juno Retrograde: in Gemini 24 ° 59'15, 6066
Vesta: in Virgo 01 ° 22'13, 6845
House 1: Taurus 18 ° 59'21, 6603
House 2: Gemini 16 ° 30'33, 7133
House 3: Cancer 09 ° 37'06, 6885
House 4: in Leo 03 ° 07'18, 8545
House 5: in Virgo 01 ° 04'39, 1426
House 6: in Libra 07 ° 09'57, 6132
House 7: in Scorpio 18 ° 59'21, 6603
House 8: in Sagittarius 16 ° 30'33 , 7133
House 9: Capricorn 09 ° 37'06, 6885
Casa 10: Aquarius 03 ° 07'18, 8545
House 11: in Pisces 01 ° 04'39, 1426
House 12: Aries 07 ° 09 '57, 6132
The first thing you should consider this astral sky is Mercury ruling the Ascendant, just as the moment when the first plane attack of 11 September 2001 struck the first tower attack has a clear symbolic message surrounded by a variety of ambiguous situations and events.
In addition, the Sun is in Gemini, Mercury in trine to the Moon and Venus in the third house, and these two planetary positions reinforce the symbolism of Mercury.
The Sun in the first house and Mars in opposition to Neptune refers to the act of war fanatic character (so do not report anything that we can not understand with astrology).
The Jupiter-Uranus in Aries in 11th House, in opposition to Saturn in square to Pluto, giving important information about the purpose of this attack, because, together with the symbology Mercury / Gemini above, refers to a turning point the balance of international diplomats, this shift could be initially beneficial per Israele nel caso in cui l'ONU creda alle sue giustificazioni, ma tra agosto e settempre le intenzioni di Istraele saranno svelate senza ombra di dubbio perdendo credibilità agli occhi dell'occidente.
Questo attacco è stato pianificato da tempo e rientra in una sequenza di azioni e comportamenti che hanno intenzioni e scopi precisi: mantenere il controllo di Isdraele (l'ascendnete in Toro), favorire il commercio (Gemelli/Mercurio) trovare nuove alleanze diplomatiche .
Personalmente ritengo che la visita del Presidente del Consiglio Berlusconi del 3 marzo scorso celi un inganno spaventoso del quale Berlusconi stesso non si rende conto. In ogni caso, Israele sa benissimo che il Governo italiano and all states Europen is against any military attack, especially against civilians. I hope
Silvio Berlusconi to stop any conduct by the super hero who led him to experience an unnecessary manhood, the manhood that led him to offend Prodi and the Italians in the 2006 election campaign by sending to the government of incompetent that damn manhood in March 3, 2010 also made him shake hands with someone who already meditated the attack today! I only hope that Berlusconi
learn to distinguish the story from this, and not to yield to flattery, especially those addressed to his mother: I am referring to the call history of the genocide of the Second War Mondile done in the Israeli parliament last March 3, and its praise of the mother of Berlusconi.
I do not want to question the good intentions of the President, but must realize he has received compliments and praise from people who have kept faith with a peace pact, so the meeting on March 3 has a large value of Remembrance but loses its value in a perspective of peace and consistency of values.
sure about today's attack, lies, half truths, cunning diplomatic and economic returns undeclared spreading like wildfire, just as it is expanding the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Pluto in 8th house and squaring Uranus Guove indicates a transformation dei rapporti economici basati su accordi diplomatici, ma non solo: anche il mercato di denaro illecito e di armi sta subendo dei cambiamenti che avranno conseguenze imprevedibili.
Saturno in 5° Casa indica che Israele vuole consolidare la propria sovranità, e il transito di Saturno in quadratura a Plutone nelle seconda metà di agorsto indica che Israele si imporrà con pesanti ed inesorabili prese di posizione che comprometteranno la credibilità diplomatica, e non potendo fare a meno di nuovi alleati sarà costretta a scelte drastiche: considerando la mia previsione del 2008 credo sia probabile un accordo con la Russia e con paesi antiamericani. Considerando che in politica la religione è una questione di comodo per giustificare political decisions do not rule out surprises imprevedivili. Even Al-Qaeda will have a special role in this diplomatic situation. After the impact natural
international flares up the next day from June 22 until September there will be more massacres and not excluding the beginning of an armed conflict with the use of weapons of mass destruction.
Sergio Berti
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