Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nurse Wash Penis Movie

Rami Al

Dear Joseph,
if you think you tease me saying that you no longer want avere a che fare con me ti sbagli di grosso, io non ti ho mai cercato e mai ti cercherò.
Io non sono per niente un Bilancia compensato, e già il fatto che tu mi definisca così mi crea dei dubbi sulla tua conoscenza della natura umana.
Ho letto alcuni tuoi commenti su facebook, e molti tuoi pensieri sono la copia di quelli di Ciro Discepolo: già il fatto che misuri il tuo sapere con la quantità di libri che hai letto e che possiedi senza dimostrare cosa hai compreso di essi, ne è un esempio.
Se poi tu preferisci le insinuazioni alle parolacce perchè, evidentemente, le giudichi più "eleganti", io non la penso così. Non è questione d'impulsività.
Tu volevi un sacco di informazioni sul obviously not read my book, then you wrote something like "I was naive to believe ..." implying what? I wanted to make money from my sctivi know when you free a blog?
Blogs and Internet sites are not functional to impart knowledge, blog, strange thoughts, but can be exchanged if there are presupporti and shared cultural background, otherwise you can not discuss ragionevolemtente.
What you like "playing with words" is clear, and if you only ask "what God centered with astrology?" Article referring to whom you asked me a hand, you can find that I'm right.
Similarly do the same criticism at Ciro Disceolo that "speaks to freewheel" Just wondering "what's the point talking about?". If talking to convey knowledge is better than you learn from teachers who regularly prepare a lesson to teach with understanding what specific criteria. But evvidente
is that when a para to justify their earnings spirit teaching becomes something very relative.
But you are very good at distorting reality.

But now tell me something that is not centered Pasquale Foglia never even been nominated in our comments! I told you on facebook I keep the friendships between those who only know him personally and I've got Pasquale Foglia also discussed, although he has ignored some things I said.

Do not worry that the censor your comments, even publish them in my next book, even those you've deleted but can be found in my e-mail notifications.

I ammenttere dystocia that you are good at reality, but with me will not succeed!

Sergio Berti


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