missing and intelligence
In fact lacks a bibliography. Apart from the fact that I had almost forgotten, I think that as I expose my thoughts and my multiple quotes and references to specific texts and specific authors, blibliografia is unnecessary because in the note. The lack
the bibliography but not so much about editing in general: the book, I paged me and I thought everything myself, the graphics and images of the cover.
I imagine my writings as huge pieces of a puzzle, or better, mosaic, each one of them does not make sense if understood as an end in itself. It is therefore important that in any argument there are specific references to the knowledge that they can not find it in depth.
The first chapters are a bit 'controversial, but dear Joseph, the controversy only concern a small part Ciro Disciple, and considerations of intelligence concerning a broader feature of the human mind, which according to many scientists and has neuroligi feature to select and divide rather than unite and assimilate the knowledge and consciousness. In the book I quote the neurologist Antonio Damasio in his book Rosa "emotion and knowledge," explains very well this reality that affects every human being. In my book I explain
semplicemente in che modo la selezione mentele di Ciro Disceplo ha influenzato il suo modo di vedere l'astrologia.
Quando avrai letto tutto il libro, caro Giuseppe, dovrai anche ammettere che ammetto l'importante contributo di Ciro Disceplo e che praticamente faccio pubblicitĂ ai suoi libri, dato che le citazioni che faccio di essi sono poche e a scopo di critica.
Sergio Berti sergio772@live.it
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