My concerns regarding the statistics of Cyrus Disciple and disputes of Mauritius
Dear Maurizio,
not worry because we will come to the table that you also comment on proposed but, as I have already asked, first things first.
You say that if the upward move in the same sign in a period of time equal for each zodiac sign, the statistical average in which a child is born with the sun rising in the same sign of the father should be 1 / 6 +1 / 144, ie (=) 25/144 (25 pobbilitĂ at 144).
This is the answer to My question therefore is continuing to show my concern.
While every child is most likely to be born under the sign ascending at the same sun sign of one parent, then the son of a father born under the sign of Aries (or any other sign) has more Probal born with the Ascendant in the sign of Aries (or in the name of the father).
I note that I used the formula because I'm espoo conditional reasoning showing the logical connections!
What determines the link the hypothetical link between rising sign and sun sign of the son of his father, is a link that should have anything to do with the influence astrology in the lives of human beings.
But what is this influence? Only the answer to this question opens up immense parentis (in my book are not even notes in brackets and footnotes, but in-depth appendices), because lunfluenza signs (so all the discords of the precession of the equinoxes) and planets (and therefore the alleged physical laws of resonance, the memory of water or other).
What no one tells you is that the alleged link between the rising sign of a child and the sun sign of a parent is a zodiac sign, SAY 'A SYMBOL.
If the link is a symbol then it must determine whether the symbols should subject to the laws of physics, mathematics and inferential, or have their own laws, that is distinct from physics, mathematics and inferential links. This is important, because what does not fit the canons of inference, is not something rational, that is irrational.
Should there be some link between the rising sign of a child with his father's sun sign, this vorrebbre say that among all the fathers of Aries are more probbabilitĂ 25 out of 144 that the child is born with Aries in the ascendant.
improbbabile say it is that in Europe there is an equal number of ascendnete born with those born in Aries rispostto with the ascendancy in any other sign, it means that the laws of the state symbols shall comply with the laws of the inferential space-time coordinates: which is absurd when you consider the nature of symbols. These considerations make me
garda with suspicion and allegations of Cyrus Disciple, but also your, Mauritius, astrologer because I figured out how to "work the symbols" even if I do not know all the laws (I mean the symbolic rules).
I can also believe that less people are born in Europe with the ascendant in Aries than the others, but I wonder
Perché se esite un iptetico legame (che, come detto sopra, dovrebbe essere simbolico) tra segno ascendente di un figlio con il segno solare del padre, allora per ogni segno zodiacale per il quale si verifica la concordanza, dovrebbe esistere la stessa percentuale sia dei figli, rispetto al numero totale dei figli, e sia dei padri, rispetto al numero totale dei padri.
Faccio un esempio:
Poniamo per esempio 120 cipie fligli/padri (tralasciando le madri come se ogni figlio nascesse solamente dal padre per semplificare il discorso), le quali sono suddivise in questo modo;
5 padri del segno dell'ariete; 6
fathers of the sign of the bull;
fathers of Gemini 7, 8
fathers of the sign of cancer;
9 fathers of the sign of the lion;
13 fathers of Virgo;
18 fathers of the sign of Libra ;
16 fathers of the sign of Scorpio;
13 fathers of the sign of Sagittarius;
9 fathers of the sign of Capricorn
8 fathers of the sign of Aquarius;
8 fathers of the sign of Pisces.
mei To continue the exposure of concern (which are many) I ask you to tell me what are the minimum values \u200b\u200bfor which we can say that a link exists up signs solar symbol between parents and children, signs of rising, whereas che il periodo di tempo nel quale l'ascendente si trova in ciascun segno non dovrebbe avere importanza, in quanto i NESSI SIMBOLICI NON DOVREBBERO ESSERE INQUADRATI NELLA DIMENSIONE SPAZIO-TEMPORALE.
Ti prego di limitarti a questa domanda, poi arriveremo a discutere su tutto il resto.
Sergio Berti
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